
Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see…
TRANSMIT — initiate the self-improvement signal — RECEIVE — initiate the recruiting cadence — LOOKING FOR SOMETHING MORE? — initiate the anti-dream prayer — ISN’T IT TIME TO WAKE UP? — initiate the shivering star frequency — I HAD NOT THOUGHT SELF-HELP HAD UNDONE SO MANY — flip the Ace of Ruin — WITNESS — The Morninglight.

# Coord Location Details
1 London / NY Pick up the pamphlet at Morninglight booth and read it
2 400,345 New York Behind a Morninglight booth
3 145,250 London At the park, in front of fence which has Morninglight booth behind it
4 335,425 New York Under a Morninglight poster with a pamphlet
5 145,690 Kingsmouth In a tent at hippie camp
6 490,310 Scorched Desert In a building. Go behind a curtains and drop down to the room
7 630,655 Besieged Farmlands On a cliff, drop down from a cliff above it
8 710,1135 Shadowy Forest On top of a RV, next to Alina Flegenda
9 310,710 Carpathian Fangs In an abandoned house
10 515,770 Carpathian Fangs On a balcony at hunting lodge