
Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see…
TRANSMIT – initiate anima signal – RECEIVE – initiate the all-in-one-one-in-all frequency – THIS WAY TO THE EGRESS – initiate transportation prerogative – MIND THE GAP – initiate geomantic protocols – WITNESS – Agartha.

# Coord Location Details
1 Agartha Cities Hub: on the inactive entrance platform in front of Seoul
2 378,348 Agartha Jump down on one of the paths below the Cities’ Hub
3 491,431 Agartha Jump down on one of the paths below the Cities’ Hub
4 442,145 Agartha Jump down on one of the paths below the Cities’ Hub
5 281,407 Agartha Jump down on one of the paths below the Cities’ Hub
6 536,439 Agartha Jump down on one of the paths below the Cities’ Hub
7 Agartha The Mall: upper level, by the central stem
8 Agartha The Mall: inside between two shops
9 Agartha The Mall: by the edge behind the DJ