Who are we?
- The friendliest cabal.
- We have been around since 2005 and are not going anywhere! Most of us met in WoW and the base of is still there even though we now have expanded to GW2, SWL and a few more. Our members are of various backgrounds and from all over Europe (and other places). We are all mature adults, many of us with families IRL, and log in for rest and recreation, so we tend to avoid the cabal drama associated with cabals full of teenagers.
What do we do as a cabal?
- Dungeons with friendly and fun cabal groups
- Raids for sightseeing and achievements
- Level alts together.
- Play in a friendly atmosphere, our cabal chat is the anti-thesis to /general
Who are we looking for?
- Friendly, mature players that are self-sufficient. For the trial period we only want you to join with 1 character so we get to know our recruits better. Full members are welcome to join with as many alts as they wish.
- Potential recruits must apply with a character of at least level 10 to show some minimum of dedication to the character they are applying with, and be at least 18 years old.
We are still few and in the phase of building this cabal in SWL so if you want to help out with planning and cabal management, this is your chance!
Contact Caradon or any other member of our cabal in-game for a chat and invite.
- Name: Circle of the Moon
- Active in SWL
- Forum-post:
- Website: Circle of The Moon
- Faction: All
- Language: English
- Focus: PVE
- Recruiting: Yes