Estamos intentando crear la comunidad de habla hispana mas grande de SWL, por eso te damos el poder de invitar a todos tus amigos a IMPERIUM una vez que formes parte del cabal.

Estamos intentando crear la comunidad de habla hispana mas grande de SWL, por eso te damos el poder de invitar a todos tus amigos a IMPERIUM una vez que formes parte del cabal.
SWARM — the white noise is deafening, among the cacophony lies a harmony of voices — VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED — side effects may include agonizing euphoria, if symptoms last more than four hours please consult a doctor — SYNERGIZE — the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Let’s resonate, shall we?
We can’t stop here, this is Nightgaunt Country! …
ODO is one of the Founding Fifty cabals, that means that we’ve been around since before the game launched, and we’re still going strong!
Our membership covers all levels of the game. We have veterans who have been around since the beta and new players who have only started playing TSW recently.
Te voilà donc, grâce aux abeilles, à sauter de puits en puits dans l’Agartha, à tenter désespérément de rattraper les erreurs d’Orochi. Ne te sens-tu pas seul ? Ne préférerais-tu pas avoir de l’aide à combattre la Souillure ? Ou alors être accompagné lorsque tu en accepte les cadeaux ?
Niemand redet über das Netz
Das Netz existiert nicht …