Jigoku no Yo Bathhouse

Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see…
TRANSMIT — initiate the Sento signal — RECEIVE — initiate the oyuya prerogative- SPLISH-SPLASH, I WAS TAKING A BATH — heat the ancient waters — WITNESS — Jigoku no Yu Bathhouse.

# Coord Location Details
1 215,780 Kaidan To the right from the entrance to the bathhouse
2 155,760 Kaidan At the gazebo in front of the Anima Well
3 200,805 Kaidan On a roof, jump to lower roof at 160,790 and continue from roof to roof
4 205,785 Kaidan Inside the bathhouse, first room to the right
5 180,795 Kaidan Inside the bathhouse, second room to the left
6 175,810 Kaidan On a roof, start climbing at 160,790