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A Multifaction LGBTQ+ Cabal for Secret World Legends

Cabal Name: Taint (Part of the Rough Trade Gaming Community aka RTGC)
Style & Focus: Casual/Social/Laidback PvE
Language(s): Primarily English but welcome all.
Location: United States
Website: Apply @ http://rtgc.enjin.com
Discord: Private
Members: 7ooo+ in the Meta Guild. Hoping to have a sizable presence in SWL
Guild Leader(s): Lucky-Strike, assisted by Rahvun
Recruitment Status: Open
Min. Age: 18
Timezone(s): GMT -8
Skill Level(s): Low/Medium
Activities: Socializing, in game events, Dungeons, & Lairs.

General Guild Info

The members of the TAINT / Rough Trade Gaming Community (RTGC) have been enjoying games together since 20004, and are celebrating our lucky 13th year in MMOs!

We have over 7k registered LGBTQStr8+ Gaymers and allies and are the oldest, and largest LGBTQStr8+ guild in the MMO multiverse (and real world) and we welcome all of our 18+ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans, Queer & Questioning, AND Straight family, friends, and allies to our Adult oriented guilds with opportunities for both casual and hard-core gamers.

We are hoping to have a friendly, lively, and welcoming presence in SWL.

Our Meta Guild Charter is viewable here: https://rtgc.enjin.com/charter

Apply to join our Community: https://rtgc.enjin.com/rtgcinvites

LGBT LGBTQ LGBTQ+ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trangender Queer Questioning Straight