The Sleepless Lullaby

Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see…
TRANSMIT — initiate the Grimm signal — RECEIVE — initiate the Childermass frequency — HELLO I WALK INTO EMPTY — initiate the Coventry Carol syntax — HALLWAYS TELL ME NOT TO HURRY — initiate the Mother Goose nocturne — SHADOWS WHISPER THROUGH TWISTED CORNERS — initiate the Dark Mother’s nursery rhyme — WATCHING EVERY MOVE AND SHIVER WITH EYES THAT GLITTER — speak the seventeen names! — WITNESS — The Sleepless Lullaby.

Some of these legends require a mission

# Coord Location Details
1 310,445 Besieged Farmlands Inside an Orochi Van near the entrance to Shadowy Forest
2 720,855 Shadowy Forest Behind a computer at Orochi Outpost 30-10e
3 Hatchet Falls Requires mission “When the Hatchet Falls” — Go through the broken wall in Tier 6
4 220,175 Carpathian Fangs In front of the entrance to the Nursery
5 Nursery Requires mission “The Sound of Children” — In the “kitchen” part of the nursery
6 Hatchet Falls Requires mission “When the Hatchet Falls” — In a storage room, go down the stairs in Tier 7
7 Emma’s Dream Requires mission “I Walk Into Empty” — Behind the cabin in the beginning of the dream
8 Emma’s Dream Requires mission “I Walk Into Empty” — In the dining room inside the burning house